Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Fake news

My fake news article is about the singer Zayn Malik attacking an aggressive fan. I choose this topic to write a fake news article about, because pop stars do have a lot of aggressive fans so it's believable that they would snap at some point, and people have a huge oppression with celebrities and news about celebrities so it's something a lot of people would be interested in knowing more about.

Fake news are news that include misinformation, or a real story that's been twisted by the media. Fake news are often based on truth, and will get send around a whole lot around, and shared by people on social media.

In my fake news article most of the things I write is false, but it's believable because of the things famous people go through. The singer I choose is currently on tour so he would have had a concert during that time, and it's likely he would be too busy to respond to what happened.

To make my news believable I went to a trusted news page, and I used the logo and tried to make it look as much as a news page as possible, with commercials and other stuff known to this webpage.

Hope you enjoyed the fake news article.

-Sarah Rød

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Last Airbender Review

The last Airbender is a film Adaptation of the animated Nickelodeon series Avatar: the last airbender. The story follows the adventures of Sokka, Katara and Aang, after Sokka and Katara free Aang from an iceberg. They find out he is the avatar the master of all four elements, and they must team up to stop the firenation from winning the 100-year long war. In this review, I’ll talk about why I was not particularly impressed with this movie.

Casting Mistakes
This movie casted actors and actresses that looked nothing like their animated counterparts. In the movie, almost everyone changed ethnicity which isn’t good, but defiantly wouldn’t matter as much if the actors and actresses knew how to act. The actors and actresses all try to use an over dramatic voice, while every line they deliver looks and sounds like they’re reading off a teleprompter behind the camera. They also mispronounce names in this constantly, so much so I seriously though they changed the names, but it is a few moments in the movie where they do pronounce it right. A lot of the cast is unknown child actors, and that they lack training defiantly shows threw out this.

Depressing Atmosphere 
The movie is very depressing. The original cartoon had a heart worming stories, and some fun comedic moments. All the comedy in this movie is sucked out, and it feels like no characters like each other in this movie. The character Sokka is the fun and sarcastic guy, a great worrier and a guy with a big heart. This Sokka is the guy that makes you hate life, he is always depressing, and never has any fun. Katara is the girl with hope, and she is a fierce waterbender. In this she is the girl that talks to much, and never does anything helpful. They did an awful job explaining the backstory of Zuko and Aang, in the show they went deep into their backstories talking about how that made them into the people they are today. Their backstory and everything in this move is just explained the whole time instead of letting the movie tell us the story with character interactions or other ways.

Why does it look like that?
All the special effects in the movie looks awful, and the set looks like an overpriced Disney channel original movie set. It’s originally an amazing world, and the movie makes it look bad. I don’t have much to say about it other than that it’s not pleasant to look at. They always film from weird angles and they try so hard to make it look like a “cool and badass” movie and it fails completely.

The original TV-show was fun, diverse, it was a great story and it had unique characters and it was 100% unique. The movie is everything but that. I know it’s unfair to compare it to the cartoon, but it honestly doesn’t even hold its own as a stand-alone movie. This movie had an amazing promise but failed completely. The movie is a bad movie and the pacing sucks. I give this movie a 2,3 out of 10.

Friday, January 13, 2017



We were given an assignment earlier this year where we had to create a Popart picture. We had to take the picture ourselves, and then we used Photoshop and illustrator to edit it. This was my final project.  

After the feedback I got from my teacher I decided to change it. I removed the black line from my hair, made my lips more red and made my eyes more white.

This is the final product, and  I really hope you enjoy it.

Sarah Rød.